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Precinct One Community Affairs & Advocacy Engagement Survey

4. How did you receive this survey? *This question is required.
5. If you received the survey from a staff member, please indicate who provided it: *This question is required.
7. Are you interested in advocating for your neighborhood? Do you want to take an active role in addressing the issues that you see in your neighborhood? *This question is required.
8. What advocacy area/s are you interested in? (select your top one to three choices) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
8. At Precinct One, we want to connect with constituents and community partners to get their opinions on our work--our programs, our parks, policies, construction projects, and more.

Would you like to be one of our contacts for your community? If so, we would reach out to you every now and then to talk to you about a new development or change and get your opinion on it. *This question is required.
9. Can we text that phone? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
Thank you! We are almost done, but we would like to collect a little more information about yourself. Your demographic information will help us ensure we are reaching out to constituents who can represent the diversity and range of people living in Precinct One.
10. How do you describe your race and ethnicity? (select all that apply)
11. How do you describe your gender? *This question is required.
13. Would you like to receive communications, updates, or news about Precinct One? *This question is required.
We would like to get your contact information to keep you informed about the Precinct and to stay in touch. Please consider providing your phone and/or email below.
14. (Optional) Can we text that phone?
This question requires a valid email address.